Report: Report List and code, lijst met alle rapporten en code

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Matches 201 to 203 of 203  » Comma-delimited CSV file

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# reportID Report Name reportdesc sqlselect active
201 127  Wezen, Orphans  Personen zonder ouders, geoordend volgens de laatste invoer eerst.
People without any parents, ordered according to the last input.  
SELECT personID, firstname AS first_name,lnprefix AS tussenvoegsel,lastname AS last_name, birthdate AS Geboortedatum, birthplace AS Geboorteplaats, changedate AS Veranderdatum, gedcom, changedby FROM tng_people WHERE famc= "" order by changedate DESC  
202 172  Wrong place names for FAMIILIES  Places to families, which are NOT a member of the places table (check for data plausibility)

Gezinnen in plaatsen die niet in de plaatsnamen lijst staan (controle op plausibiliteit) 
SELECT familyID, husband, wife, "Place of marriage" AS Kind_of_place, marrplace AS Entered_place_name, f.gedcom FROM tng_families AS f LEFT JOIN tng_places AS pl ON ( AND f.gedcom=pl.gedcom) WHERE ISNULL(place) AND marrplace<>""
SELECT familyID, husband, wife, "Place of divorce" AS Kind_of_place, divplace AS Entered_place_name, f.gedcom FROM tng_families AS f LEFT JOIN tng_places AS pl ON ( AND f.gedcom=pl.gedcom) WHERE ISNULL(place) AND divplace<>""
203 171  Wrong place names for PERSONS  Places to persons, which are NOT a member of the places table (check for data plausibility)

Mensen in plaatsen die niet in de plaatsnamen lijst staan (controle op plausibiliteit) 
SELECT personID, lastname, firstname, "Place of birth" AS Kind_of_place, birthplace AS place_detail, living, p.gedcom FROM tng_people AS p LEFT JOIN tng_places AS pl ON ( AND p.gedcom=pl.gedcom) WHERE ISNULL(place) AND birthplace<>""
SELECT personID, lastname, firstname, "Place of birth" AS Kind_of_place, altbirthplace AS place_detail, living, p.gedcom FROM tng_people AS p LEFT JOIN tng_places AS pl ON ( AND p.gedcom=pl.gedcom) WHERE ISNULL(place) AND altbirthplace<>""
SELECT personID, lastname, firstname, "Place of death" AS Kind_of_place, deathplace AS place_detail, living, p.gedcom FROM tng_people AS p LEFT JOIN tng_places AS pl ON ( AND p.gedcom=pl.gedcom) WHERE ISNULL(place) AND deathplace<>""
SELECT personID, lastname, firstname, "Place of burial" AS Kind_of_place, burialplace AS place_detail, living, p.gedcom FROM tng_people AS p LEFT JOIN tng_places AS pl ON ( AND p.gedcom=pl.gedcom) WHERE ISNULL(place) AND burialplace<>""
SELECT personID, lastname, firstname, "Place of event" AS Kind_of_place, eventplace AS place_detail, living, p.gedcom FROM tng_events AS e LEFT JOIN tng_places AS pl ON ( AND e.gedcom=pl.gedcom) LEFT JOIN tng_people AS p ON (e.persfamID=p.personID AND e.gedcom=p.gedcom) WHERE ISNULL(place) AND eventplace<>""
ORDER BY lastname, firstname;  

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