Vermandois, Adelaide ("Adele") de

( = Descendancy chart to this point,
= Expand,
= Collapse)
- 1 Vermandois, Adelaide ("Adele") de [1] d. 1120
Crepi, Hugh Magnus de d. 1101
- 2 de Vermandois, Isabel (aka Elizabeth) [1.1]
b. 1081 d. 13 Feb 1131
Warenne, William de b. 1071 d. 11 May 1138
- 3 Warenne, Ada de [1.1.1]
d. 1178
Huntingdon, Prince of Scotland Henry de b. 1114 d. 12 Jun 1152
- 4 David Earl of Huntingdon []
b. Abt 1144 d. 17 Jun 1219
Maud, of Chester b. 1171 d. 1233
- 5 Huntingdon, Isabel of []
d. 1252
Bruce, Robert Baron of Annandale d. 1245
- 6 Bruce, Robert []
b. 1210 d. 31 Mar 1295
Clare, Isabel b. 2 Nov 1226 d. 1264
- 7 Bruce, Lord of Annandale Robert []
b. Jul 1243 d. 14 Jun 1304
Carrick, Countess of Carrick Marjorie d. 1292
- 8 Bruce, Lady Isabella []
b. Abt 1272 d. 1358
Ranulph, Sir Thomas d. Aft 1296
- 9 Randolph, Earl of Moray Sir Thomas []
d. 28 Jul 1332
Stewart, Isabel b. Abt 1294
- 10 Randolph, Countess of Moray Lady Agnes []
Dunbar, Earl of March Patrick
- 11 Dunbar, Earl of Moray John []
d. 1394
Stewart, Princess of Scotland Marjorie
- 12 Dunbar, Alexander []
[ =>]
- 12 Dunbar, Alexander []
- 11 Dunbar, Earl of Moray John []
- 10 Randolph, Countess of Moray Lady Agnes []
- 9 Randolph, Earl of Moray Sir Thomas []
- 8 Robert, King of Scots I []
b. 11 Jul 1274 d. 7 Jun 1329
Mar, Isabel of d. 1297
- 9 Bruce, Princess of Scotland Marjorie []
d. 2 Mar 1316
Walter, Steward of Scotland b. 1292 d. 9 Apr 1326
- 10 Robert, King of Scots II []
b. 2 Mar 1316 d. 3 May 1390
Mure, "of Rowallan" Elizabeth b. Abt 1320 d. 1355
- 11 Stewart, Princess of Scotland Marjorie []
Dunbar, Earl of Moray John d. 1394
- 12 Dunbar, Alexander []
[ =>]
- 12 Dunbar, Alexander []
- 11 Stewart, Princess of Scotland Marjorie []
- 10 Robert, King of Scots II []
- 9 Bruce, Princess of Scotland Marjorie []
- 8 Bruce, Lady Isabella []
- 7 Bruce, Lord of Annandale Robert []
- 6 Bruce, Robert []
- 5 Huntingdon, Isabel of []
- 4 David Earl of Huntingdon []
- 3 Warenne, Ada de [1.1.1]
de Beaumont, Count of Meulan Robert b. 1046 d. 5 Jun 1118
- 3 Beaumont, Isabel ("Elizabeth") de [1.1.2]
Clare, Earl of Pembroke Gilbert de d. 6 Jan 1148
- 4 Clare, Richard ("Strongbow") de []
b. 1130 d. 20 Apr 1176
Macmurrough, Countess of Ireland Eva b. Abt 1151
- 5 Clare, Isabel de []
b. 1173 d. 1220
Marshal, Sir William The b. 1146 d. 14 May 1219
- 6 Marshall, Isabella []
b. 1203 d. 17 Jan 1240
Clare, Sir Gilbert de Earl b. 1180 d. 25 Oct 1230
- 7 Clare, Isabel []
b. 2 Nov 1226 d. 1264
Bruce, Robert b. 1210 d. 31 Mar 1295
- 8 Bruce, Lord of Annandale Robert []
b. Jul 1243 d. 14 Jun 1304
Carrick, Countess of Carrick Marjorie d. 1292
- 9 Bruce, Lady Isabella []
b. Abt 1272 d. 1358
Ranulph, Sir Thomas d. Aft 1296
- 10 Randolph, Earl of Moray Sir Thomas []
d. 28 Jul 1332
Stewart, Isabel b. Abt 1294
- 11 Randolph, Countess of Moray Lady Agnes []
Dunbar, Earl of March Patrick
- 12 Dunbar, Earl of Moray John []
d. 1394 [ =>]
- 12 Dunbar, Earl of Moray John []
- 11 Randolph, Countess of Moray Lady Agnes []
- 10 Randolph, Earl of Moray Sir Thomas []
- 9 Robert, King of Scots I []
b. 11 Jul 1274 d. 7 Jun 1329
Mar, Isabel of d. 1297
- 10 Bruce, Princess of Scotland Marjorie []
d. 2 Mar 1316
Walter, Steward of Scotland b. 1292 d. 9 Apr 1326
- 11 Robert, King of Scots II []
b. 2 Mar 1316 d. 3 May 1390
Mure, "of Rowallan" Elizabeth b. Abt 1320 d. 1355
- 12 Stewart, Princess of Scotland Marjorie []
[ =>]
- 12 Stewart, Princess of Scotland Marjorie []
- 11 Robert, King of Scots II []
- 10 Bruce, Princess of Scotland Marjorie []
- 9 Bruce, Lady Isabella []
- 8 Bruce, Lord of Annandale Robert []
- 7 Clare, Isabel []
- 6 Marshall, Isabella []
- 5 Clare, Isabel de []
- 4 Clare, Richard ("Strongbow") de []
- 3 Beaumont, Robert de [1.1.3]
b. 1104 d. 5 Apr 1168
de Waer, Amice de Montfort d. Aft 1168
- 4 Beaumont, Hawise de []
d. 24 Apr 1197
Robert, Earl of Gloucester William Fitz d. 23 Nov 1183
- 5 Meullent, C'tess of Gloucester Amicia []
b. 1160 d. 1 Jan 1225
Clare, Richard de Earl b. 1162 d. Oct 1217
- 6 Clare, Sir Gilbert de Earl []
b. 1180 d. 25 Oct 1230
Marshall, Isabella b. 1203 d. 17 Jan 1240
- 7 Clare, Isabel []
b. 2 Nov 1226 d. 1264
Bruce, Robert b. 1210 d. 31 Mar 1295
- 8 Bruce, Lord of Annandale Robert []
b. Jul 1243 d. 14 Jun 1304
Carrick, Countess of Carrick Marjorie d. 1292
- 9 Bruce, Lady Isabella []
b. Abt 1272 d. 1358
Ranulph, Sir Thomas d. Aft 1296
- 10 Randolph, Earl of Moray Sir Thomas []
d. 28 Jul 1332
Stewart, Isabel b. Abt 1294
- 11 Randolph, Countess of Moray Lady Agnes []
Dunbar, Earl of March Patrick
- 12 Dunbar, Earl of Moray John []
d. 1394 [ =>]
- 12 Dunbar, Earl of Moray John []
- 11 Randolph, Countess of Moray Lady Agnes []
- 10 Randolph, Earl of Moray Sir Thomas []
- 9 Robert, King of Scots I []
b. 11 Jul 1274 d. 7 Jun 1329
Mar, Isabel of d. 1297
- 10 Bruce, Princess of Scotland Marjorie []
d. 2 Mar 1316
Walter, Steward of Scotland b. 1292 d. 9 Apr 1326
- 11 Robert, King of Scots II []
b. 2 Mar 1316 d. 3 May 1390
Mure, "of Rowallan" Elizabeth b. Abt 1320 d. 1355
- 12 Stewart, Princess of Scotland Marjorie []
[ =>]
- 12 Stewart, Princess of Scotland Marjorie []
- 11 Robert, King of Scots II []
- 10 Bruce, Princess of Scotland Marjorie []
- 9 Bruce, Lady Isabella []
- 8 Bruce, Lord of Annandale Robert []
- 7 Clare, Isabel []
- 6 Clare, Sir Gilbert de Earl []
- 5 Meullent, C'tess of Gloucester Amicia []
- 4 de Beaumont, Earl of Leicester Robert []
d. 31 Aug 1190
Grantmesnil, Petronella ("Pernel") de d. 1 Apr 1212
- 5 Beaumont, Maud de []
de Montfort, Count of Evreux Simon III d. 12 Mar 1181
- 6 D'Evereux, Bertrade []
b. 1155 d. 1227
Hugh Earl of Chester b. 1147 d. 1181
- 7 Maud, of Chester []
b. 1171 d. 1233
David Earl of Huntingdon b. Abt 1144 d. 17 Jun 1219
- 8 Huntingdon, Isabel of []
d. 1252
Bruce, Robert Baron of Annandale d. 1245
- 9 Bruce, Robert []
b. 1210 d. 31 Mar 1295
Clare, Isabel b. 2 Nov 1226 d. 1264
- 10 Bruce, Lord of Annandale Robert []
b. Jul 1243 d. 14 Jun 1304
Carrick, Countess of Carrick Marjorie d. 1292
- 11 Bruce, Lady Isabella []
b. Abt 1272 d. 1358
Ranulph, Sir Thomas d. Aft 1296
- 12 Randolph, Earl of Moray Sir Thomas []
d. 28 Jul 1332 [ =>]
- 12 Randolph, Earl of Moray Sir Thomas []
- 11 Robert, King of Scots I []
b. 11 Jul 1274 d. 7 Jun 1329
Mar, Isabel of d. 1297
- 12 Bruce, Princess of Scotland Marjorie []
d. 2 Mar 1316 [ =>]
- 12 Bruce, Princess of Scotland Marjorie []
- 11 Bruce, Lady Isabella []
- 10 Bruce, Lord of Annandale Robert []
- 9 Bruce, Robert []
- 8 Huntingdon, Isabel of []
- 7 Maud, of Chester []
- 6 D'Evereux, Bertrade []
- 5 Beaumont, Maud de []
- 4 Beaumont, Hawise de []
- 3 Beaumont, Isabel ("Elizabeth") de [1.1.2]
- 2 de Vermandois, Isabel (aka Elizabeth) [1.1]